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Educational excellence was the common theme that ran throughout the project brief, ensuring that the school would provide an optimal space for learning, development and achievement. All contractors and building products were chosen with this aim in mind, meaning that every aspect of the build would adhere to these high standards and contribute to the enhanced learning environment. Zehnder’s multi-service foil, developed with lighting specialists Whitecroft Lighting, provided the ideal solution for the school’s science classrooms, combining heating, lighting and acoustic services within one easy-to-install solution. The build was approved in April 2017 and completed in September 2018.
Mercia School, Sheffield
Zehnder’s ZIP multi-service foil
Over 200 foil radiant luminaires were installed in the science classrooms. The ergonomic furniture design in the classroom resulted in a lack of space for heating services against the wall. Thus, integrating both the heating and acoustic services into a single lighting feature ensured an uncluttered space matching the teaching and learning environment that had been envisaged by both the architect and the Mercia Learning Trust, to support the vision and values of the school. Zehnder’s multi-service foil, developed with lighting specialists Whitecroft Lighting, provided the ideal solution for the school’s science classrooms, combining heating, lighting and acoustic services within one easy-to-install solution.
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