Development Types

Solutions for commercial projects

Our solutions combine energy efficiency with economic viability and are proof of the pertinence of our approach.

Decorative Radiators

Decorative radiators add value to public or commercial areas

  • Suitable design even for high demands
  • Customised solution for any situation
  • Wide range of variants for all design needs
  • Short response time to variations in temperature
  • Very hygienic and health tested
  • Reliable and durable

Explore our range

commercial building, foyer
Comfortable Indoor Ventilation

Solutions for enhancing air quality and comfort

  • Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery technology to assist with ventilation
  • Advanced air distribution systems to promote optimal indoor air quality and offer additional heating and cooling
  • Solutions to meet the unique needs of various commercial environments
  • Energy-efficient design suitable for sustainable building practices
  • Versatile installation options to fit different architectural requirements

Explore our range

ComfoAir Q 600 ST, ComfoWell 520, basement, garden, dog, ComfoPipe Compact
Heating & Cooling Ceilings

Solutions for offering comfort, health and energy efficiency

  • Low energy consumption
  • Comfortable indoor climate for employees
  • Space-saving, intelligent construction solutions
  • Maintenance-free, reliable and durable solution
  • Short response time to variations in temperature
  • Draught free and silent

Explore our range

Clean Air Solutions

Solution for clean air in the logistics and industry sectors

  • Optimised costs thanks to less cleaning, lower energy use, easiert maintenance and less downtime
  • Increased cleanliness as a result of dust-free goods, products, plants and systems
  • Capable and satisfied employees thanks to a healthy working environment
  • Compliance with statutory requirements and regulations
  • Greater reliability, efficiency and quality thanks to reducing dust by up to 90%

Explore our range

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+44 (0) 1276 605 800

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+44 (0) 1276 605 800