Comfo Air Q, basement room, laundry room, milieu, CA Q,
basement, utility room, air temperation
Comfo Air Flex, bathroom, ceiling installation, AdobeStock_510384510

Discover the benefits of improved indoor air quality

Zehnder ventilation systems help to ensure you're able to breathe healthy, clean air, while contributing to ideal humidity and temperature conditions in residential and commercial properties.

Enjoy healthier indoor environments

At Zehnder, we understand that good ventilation is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Our cutting-edge ventilation systems not only ensure a constant supply of fresh, clean air but also help regulate temperature and humidity levels, contributing to your overall well-being and comfort.

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ComfoValve Luna S, Luna S, supply air valve, design valve living, woman, child, ball

How comfortable indoor ventilation works

When discussing a comfortable indoor climate, we typically refer to the harmony between an ideal temperature, efficient odour elimination, appropriate humidity levels, and the absence of drafts. But how is this balance actually achieved? Learn more in our explanatory video.

Ventilation solutions for healthier living and working spaces

Zehnder ComfoAir Q
Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery

Zehnder ComfoAir Flex
Compact Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery

Comfo Air Flex, In pantry, ceiling installation

Greenwood Unity CV2.1
Decentralised Mechanical Extract Ventilation

Ventilation solutions for improved air quality

As individual buildings come in many shapes and sizes, it is critical that each is designed to provide the same level of indoor air quality - irrespective of size or layout. Zehnder has a comprehensive range of units which can be tailored to meet the requirements of a broad spectrum of dwellings and commercial spaces, from small urban apartments and homes to large multi-story hospitals and retail outlets.

Explore solutions

Discover how effective ventilation can help achieve a healthy and comfortable indoor climate.

Different types of ventilation

Every property carries its own unique set of characteristics and challenges. The suitability of a ventilation system greatly depends on a multitude of factors including the structure of the building, its location, and the lifestyle habits of its occupants.

House, graphic, housegrapic, air distribution, ComfoAir Q, CAQ, ST, straight, In-OnFloor-technical-room-garden, technical room, garden, InFloor (round pipe), OnFloor (flat oval pipe)

The importance of good ventilation

Health and comfort are key to a pleasant living environment. However, as homes become better insulated, it's great for energy efficiency but it can also limit air circulation within the home. That's why robust ventilation is crucial.

All about filters

Zehnder's original filters ensure that particulates, pollen, soot particles and even bacteria are kept out of your home. By filtering the outdoor air upon entry into the ventilation unit, the unit's lifespan is extended. In short, it's beneficial for both you and your ventilation system!

Frequently asked questions about Comfortable Indoor Ventilation

As new buildings and intensively refurbished properties become increasingly airtight, less fresh, outside air can naturally get into the external building envelope. Resulting in decreased indoor air quality through build-up of allergens in stagnant air as well as mould and mildew formation. The solution is to install mechanical ventilation to ensure a balanced cycle of extract and supply air so as the atmosphere of the property is undergoing regular air changes.

Of course – we all know the pleasure of flinging open the windows on a lovely day! This aside however, the system is designed to optimise indoor air quality at any time of the day or night in all weathers without having to worry about external noise ingress or security considerations.

A ventilation system with heat recovery decreases your energy consumption when compared to standard alternatives. As well as recovering heat which would otherwise have been exhausted to atmosphere, our systems use energy efficient DC motors to limit energy consumption in every way.

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