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New buildings such as passive houses with extremely effective insulation are supported by building regulations. In these airtight homes sufficient exchange of fresh air can no longer be ensured through natural ventilation alone.
As the climate is changing, tropical summer days are leading to overheated houses with unpleasant indoor climate causing insomnia and increasing health risks, especially for vulnerable people.
Limited ventilation options, heat from a district heating network, electrical heating sources and everyday human activities have a negative effect on rising temperaturesand humidity within houses.
Zehnder ComfoClime 36 not only prevents overheating in residential buildings but provides additional heat in winter. Zehnder ComfoClime 36 is combined with Zehnder ComfoAir Q450 or Q600 complementing its features to provide a comfortable and healthy indoor climate in an energy-efficient way. The system exhausts warm, humid, stale air while enabling fresh, well-tempered, filtered outdoor air to enter the house. This increases our focus, performance, and quality of sleep to put us in a better mood and full of energy.
The Zehnder ComfoTube Therm ductwork is available as 90mm diameter circular (90mm) and oval shaped (Flat 51). This high performance insulated semi-rigid ductwork ideal for residential applications. A low profile and innovative thermal properties make it the ideal ductwork for use with the Zehnder range of climate conditioning devices such as Zehnder ComfoClime and Zehnder ComfoPost in small ceiling voids.
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